Champion Assistants at eWomen Network luncheon in Bellevue

Champion Assistants ha d a booth again yesterday at the eWomen Network luncheon in Bellevue.  What a fun time!  There were more booths than usual since members wanted to show off their businesses before Christmas.  Champion Assistants was there with Holiday Assistants, our sister company.  People seemed to respond to both businesses very well.  I think everyone is starting to feel the time crunch with the holidays approaching.  People are starting to think about holiday cards and gifts – how to get it all done on time!  The fact that we were there to ease people’s stress by taking over these to-do’s was helpful to a lot of people.  How great to have a business that helps clients be more productive.  I love seeing their relieved faces when they realize there is someone to take over these tasks!


Kind regards,


Champion Assistants


Your business-savvy virtual assistants!